Character Analysis


He is a very smart boy and also very humble. he has been taken up 2 years in school and he is still top of the class. Peekay got teased at his old school because he is a white English South African. Most people that meet him seem to like him. Doc is Peekay’s best friend. wants to be a boxing champion. he hasn’t told his mum he doing boxing at the gym because he really enjoys it and he doesn’t want her to say he can’t do it. He is seen as the tadpole angel. Peekay is questioning the ways of Christianity eg- “if nobody is dirty and nobody works in heaven and black and white people are equal, why then can’t they live in the same place” this quote shows what kind of person Peekay is- “the photograph captured the exact moment when I understood with the conviction that racism is a primary force of evil designed to destroy good men” shoe Peekay is continuing to write letters. He goes to the Prince of whales school and continues boxing. the tadpole myth followed him to his new school. “he will win for the people, he will win for all the people, in all the tribes, the people are all his people”

Peekay’s Mother

Peekay’s mother struggles with depression and was taken to “the nervous breakdown place”. We don’t know the name of Peekay’s mother yet. Peekay’s mother is very Christian/ religious.


Peekay met the Judge at boarding school when he was five. He is very tough and he rules over all the kids.

Grandpa Chook

Grandpa Chook was a present from Inkozi Inkozikazi. Granpa chook came with Peekay to boarding school, and he helped Mevrou to keep the bugs away. But sadly on the last day of term Granpa chook was killed by the Judge.


Doc is an old man, he used to be a concert pianist. He says he can hear the wolves which I think resembles a tragedy he has been in and it haunts him, he uses the whiskey to drown out the wolves or try to forget what has happened. Doc also loved cactuses he even has one that is stuck to his bag. He is a very intelligent man. chapter 15- Doc wants to perform a concert for the prisoners.

Mrs. Bornstein

is a teacher at the Barberton primary school. she send letter to Peekay whilst he is at boarding school, and helps Peekay and Hymie to be at the top of their classes.

Mrs. Boxall

she is the librarian in Barberton, she collects letters and tobacco for the black prisons and there families.

Geel Piet

Geel Piet is a worker at Barberton prison. He is very close with Peekay and Doc. He teaches Peekay the terms of boxing and to “dance” with his feet. Geel Piet is very responsible for spreading the myth of the Tadpole angel. neutered the myth of the tadpole angel.

Lieutenant Smit

He works at Barberton prison and is one of the boxing coaches. His brother is the well known Jackhammer Smit, which is how Peekay and he becomes friends because peekay had seen him fight Hoppie. he does not like Borman.

Dum & Dee

Dum and Dee are Peekays twin kitchen maids. They look after Doc’s cottage while he is in prison. Dum and Dee are very protective of Doc and Peekay.


He is Peekay’s first ever friend that is his own age. Hymie helps Peekay with his boxing and they create a plan to make money.


Peekay meets Hoppie on the train ride to Barberton. Hoppie taught Peekay about being a welterweight.

1 Comment

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Ally – Great work so far – well done.
If you have a look at the final sentence you’ve written for your Peekay analysis you can see a classic example of opening the chance of to ANALYSE important aspects of the book (show off what you understand).
What is the ‘tadpole angel’ myth? You should discuss it here. Where did it come from? WHY (important) do the prisoners think Peekay is the tadpole angel? What difference does it make to their lives. Are there other examples you can link in to show other people think Peekay is different and a man to unite South Africa.
I love your Doc comments. bang on with the wolves. Well done.

Geel Piet – all accurate but I believe you can extend this. GP is a very important character – he’s one of Peekay’s mentors plus he helps us understand many aspects of the themes. Try to find some good evidence (you can quote or paraphrase) to evidence your statements on him and his importance in the novel.

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