The Landlady Continued

By Ally Paterson

“Temple,” Billy said. “Gregory Temple. Excuse me asking, but haven’t there been any other guests here except them in the last two or three years?” Holding her teacup high in one hand, inclining her head slightly to the left, she looked up at him out of the corners of her eyes and gave him another gentle little smile.

“No, my dear,” she said. “ Only you”…

With that weird thought rattling around in his mind he decided it would be best if he just went on up to bed. “Good” but before he could finish his sentence he was interrupted “ my dear before you go off to bed would you like a cup of tea to help you sleep,” said the old lady. “Oh no thank you,” said Billy politely. “But dear you have an important meeting in the morning and it will help you sleep,” said the old lady. Billy caved in and said, “thank you that would be nice”.

As Billy was getting himself ready for bed he hears a knock on his door, it was the old lady with his cup of tea. “She places the cup in his hands and leaves. Billy took a sip of the tea and began to feel sleepy, he then took another sip. He then heard a voice guiding him up to the third floor. Without hesitation he followed the voice, Billy made it to the third floor and the door swung open inside was the old lady sitting behind a sewing machine he walked inside and the door slammed behind. 

That was the last known sighting of poor Billy Weaver. 

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